Thursday, October 9, 2008

A stressful week in school!

Its been so long since I have been able to write! This week has been crazy busy. Classes are finally starting to pick up so its been pretty stressful. This week alone I had my first Italian quiz, principles of marketing test, and oh yeah I got assigned a huge essay in my ethics class. Joy! The Italian quiz went really well- I got a 99%! I also stayed up with my friend Cierra until like 2:30 studying. That probably wasn't necessary, but you never know how hard the first quiz/test in a class.

Tomorrow we are heading to Southern Tuscany and we have to meet at school at 7:45 and load the buses. I am very excited! Apparently there is hot springs where you can go. I have never been to one so that should be interesting. I heard they are pretty but they smell... hmm... I think I'll take my chances and go! They are naturally hot and you are able to swim in there I'm pretty sure. Haha, we will see!

I am so exhausted right now. I have been running off a sleep deficit the past week. Ironically I got more sleep on my last trip to Cinque Terre than this past week at school. I have been studying up late every night and I went out one night just to take a break from studying. Perhaps that wasn't the smartest idea but I came back around 12:45 which was a lot earlier than my friends who went clubbing till 4 am. Geez!

Yesterday my introduction to florence class went to the the church of Santa Maria Novella. It was beautiful! The frescos were especially gorgeous-- its hard to believe all the artwork and building was done by hand in the 13th century! Take a look on facebook under "sight seeing florence" to see more pictures. I am including a picture from the tour yesterday.

Well thats all I have suprisingly. Today I was pretty productive and did some laundry-- I was pissed though because it ate my 5 euro and I ended up having to pay an extra 7 to do my laundry that is already expensive before they jipped me! Its annoying because there is no supervisor-- just a security camera by the door. Its bizzare. Anywhoo well I'm off but I'll write when I get back to Florence on Sunday evening.

Ta ta!

- Inside the Spanish Chapel


CaShThoMa said...

Beautiful church; I can't wait to visit when we are in Florence next month. It's on my list of "must see".

Have a great weekend in Tuscany!
Hot springs smell kind of like the geysers and other "water works" in Yellowstone. Sometimes like hard boiled eggs! It's all good though. Enjoy.

MMH said...

Love reading what you are doing.