Monday, October 6, 2008

Lillians Complaint List, funny!

The following document is an official complaint list that my roommate Lillian is sending to the Dean of Gonzaga. I do not think she could have written this any better! I almost cracked up on a few of her points but we really are frustrated! She gave me permission to post this on my blog, because sometimes its interesting seeing a different point of view besides my own. I hope they fix up the problems around here! Haha enjoy the letter, its pretty funny!

From Lillian my current roommate:

On my medical forms, I explicitly stated that I was severely allergic to mold, and yet I was placed in a room filled with mold. It affected my health and eventually I was relocated, but now I am in a room that is constantly filled with cigarette smoke. I have asthma and cannot live with cigarette smoke. The smoke is blowing in through the windows. When we complained, they gave us a fan to blow the air back out, which is not effective.

· At first, we were given one desk for the two of us. When we complained, we were brought another desk with two drawers, but of which do not have handles. I have to pile everything on top of my desk rather than use the drawers.

· The cleaning of the rooms is inconsistent. My room has not been cleaned in over 3 days. My trash is overflowing, I’ve run out of toilet paper, the sheets have not been changed and there is dust piling up on the floor.

· In my first room, the main doors were French doors and one of them would fall off the hinges whenever we tried to open it. The bathroom door would not close, so there was no privacy. The toilet would barely even flush toilet paper, let alone anything else. When we took a shower, the water would leak all over the floor, which is a safety hazard.

· When we asked to be provided with hangers, we were given children’s hangers, which were not large enough to fit our clothing. We ended up having to buy our own hangers just so weren’t living out of our suitcases any longer.

· In our bathroom, there is one towel rack and no place to put the toilet paper. That would be fine if the entire floor of our bathroom wasn’t the drain for the shower. Our entire roll of toilet paper gets ruined every time one of us takes a shower. Then we have to both squeeze our towels onto one rack, which is a breeding ground for mold growth, which is a medical problem for me. It also is unhealthy for anyone to be living with mold.

· I don’t have class until 9:35. By the time I get to breakfast, all of the food is gone. When I ask if there is more food, I am told I need to wake up with everyone else at 7 in order to get food. I don’t think that is reasonable to ask of me.

· We don’t have internet in our pensione, which means that I either have to walk all the way to school to be able to use the internet to call home, or I have to pay for expensive phone calls. As a student, I need internet to do research, to stay in touch with professors, and get in contact with my peers who are in other pensioni.

· I go to a university other than Gonzaga and we base study abroad programs off recommendations. If our current living situation does not get improved or if those who have worse pensioni than other GU students don’t get partial reimbursements for the difference in living conditions, I will definitely be giving the GIF program a bad review. I don’t feel at home here in my room. There are constantly things I need fixed that just aren’t getting done. If we all had rooms with balconies that overlook the Duomo, TVs in our rooms, and consistent internet, that would be a different story. The unequal living conditions are unacceptable and unfair. We are all paying thousands of dollars to be here and it is not acceptable for some people to have luxurious rooms while others have to get sick from mold or shower over their toilet. I do believe that the difference in living conditions needs to be reimbursed to the parents who are giving so much to this program. We deserve better than we are getting. I will not recommend this program if things don’t change.


CaShThoMa said...

Wow: Go Lillian! Well said and I bet you'll see some action on the part of Guiseppe and GU administration! Yeah. Great letter. Good to point out the specifics.

Lillian said...

Thanks! I'm going to change this into letter format and send it to the higher ups

Sharon said...

Well done! If this doesn't get you results, I don't know what will. I find that writing a letter with specific complaints is the most effective way to get action. Good luck.