Monday, November 24, 2008

What's going on in my life

On Wednesday at 1:40, the Gonzaga group and I are going to go to Bosnia and Croatia for the weekend. I am very excited- and I have no idea what to expect!

Right now I am on a small break during my World Economics Class. I am a bit worried for our final because he is just going to give us a couple key words and we are supposed to just write about 3-5 pages in class about the topics. It is very general and not specific at all, which drives me nuts. I want to be able to prepare, and he is not narrowing down the topics or keywords at all. OH well. I guess I will just ramble about world issues and hopefully get a good grade.

I can't believe that the semester is almost over! It has definitely flown by so quickly. It has been a very dramatic semester with lots of tribulations and trials, but I think the positives outweigh the negatives. It has been hard adjusting thus far, but I am finally finding my place here in Florence. I am glad that I decided to stay for the rest of the year.

Today, Chelsea, Lillian (the current roomie), and Emma planned out our flight to London which we are going to take the weekend before finals. Sounds like a crazy thing to do, but I think I have a handle on exactly what I need to study. Luckily one of my finals (for Phil) is just a paper that I will turn in so I will not have an actual test to study for. My friend Chelsea has a friend studying abroad in London so we are going to visit her while we are there as well. We are still figuring out the hostel situation- but I am stoked for our trip! We will be leaving on the 11th of December and getting back on the 14th during the evening. Yay! :-D

In today's edition of the "Ciao" we received a link to a newspaper article that a current Gonzaga student published. Her name is Kaitlyn Warter and she actually contacted me on facebook and asked me to give my opinion on a few matters regarding the study abroad program. Here is the link for the article: (make sure to see my quote!).

OK, so another random thing going on in my life; our room smells like rotten brocolli. I wish I was joking- but it seriously reaks. Apparently because our toliet gets rid of most of the water every time we flush, it is directly connected to the basement sewage where food particles are commonly found. This creates an unbearble, pungent smell of either mushrooms or brocolli. All I know is whenever I smell it, I want to puke.

So another thing you might not know is that Lillian and I have volunteered to help out with the annual GIF Christmas party. We are going to be in charge with the decorations and the music. I can't wait! The party is going to be held on December 9th in the evening and it includes a nice meal with an apertivo and a four-course meal located in a beautiful, Christmas-y Villa. It will be a "last hurah" for many of the semester-only students and I love Christmas so I am sure that it will be a very fun and festive occasion as well :). The tickets are generally 40 euro, but Gonzaga is going to pay half of the ticket for us students, so we only have to pay 20 euro. The proceeds of the event are going to a charity called Soup Kitchen and Casa Famiglia; and a lot of the money that is raised comes from raffle ticket prizes that are donated by parents. A few gifts that have been donated are gift baskets, money towards a weekend trip, or museum tour visits.

Well that's about all that's new going on in my life. I am so happy Chris and I are back together. Hopefully he will still be able to visit in February. That would be amazing!


1 comment:

MMH said...

Good post. Loved reading it and knowing that you are learning new things every day and are incorporating them into your life - remaking it really. What a trip. Enjoy.