Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A wrap up of my parents weekend and current news

Things have settled down into their normal rhythym again after my parents have left. The end of the semester is already coming so quickly, I can't believe it!

I thought that I might talk about a few of the things me and my parents did that I didn't have a chance to in previous posts. On Saturday night me and my parents went to the most fabulous Restaurant called "Osteria del Cinghiale Bianco". They are famous for their wild boar dishes. This restaurant was raved about by my cousin Carolyn, who visited Florence not too long ago with her boyfriend Mitch after they both graduated law school. She said to make sure to go there while I was over here, and so I thought it would be a perfect place to take my parents. We ended up getting two of the dishes she recommended; my dad got the spaghetti with tomato wild boar sauce which was absoloutely amazing. I was a bit skeptical about trying it at first (just because its boar haha) but it tasted just slightly different than ground beef. My mom got the ricotta and spinach dumplings with a butter sauce. Those were also very tasty. I ended up getting a pesto pasta which was out of this world. It had a very strong basil flavor which I love.

On Sunday morning before Lucca my parents and I went to the Bargello museum which has a lot of famous sculptures. A few of them were done by the great Michelangelo himself! Unfortunately I was not able to take pictures except inside the courtyard, so feel free to check those out on facebook.

Today I am going to be spending the day pretty much just catching up from the past week and maybe taking a nap and working out. Nothing too exciting. My friend Martha is visiting this weekend from Amsterdam with her friend she met on her studying abroad trip named Tara. I am so excited to see her! She is spending a few days in other parts of Italy before Florence, so she will take a train from Pisa this Friday and will be at my pensione around 1:15. The plan is to go to lunch and who knows what else from there. Technically I am supposed to have classes this Friday to make up for one of the days we will be gone on the Thanksgiving Bosnia and Crotia trip however a lot of teachers are just canceling class. My philosophy teacher pretty much canceled class on Friday, as well as my marketing teacher. My econ professor does not seem even aware that we are supposed to have class on Friday so I am pretty sure he will just not show up. That only leaves Italian and Intro to Florence. Doesn't sound like too bad of a make up day, huh? And that way I can spend the rest of the afternoon freely with Martha and Tara. (Let's hope I don't have to go to Econ!) :) To your left is a picture of me and Martha taken last year.

Also for those that know what is going on with my Grandfather-- he is getting very weak and sick, so my family and I could definitely use your prayers with this whole situation. He has lived a great life but its very sad to watch him go. This is hard time for all of us.

1 comment:

CaShThoMa said...

I hope you have a wonderful weekend with Martha and Tara. Our trip home was uneventful but long. I wouldn't have missed the visit to Firenze and the chance to experience all that we did with you! My favorites were the bike ride at Lucca, the shopping (reminded me of our usual expeditions), and the fabulous food.