Thursday, November 13, 2008

Snow boot shopping, American treats, and and an all school photo!

Hey all!

I thought it was pretty fun making a post that was kind of "themed" in a way. It helps me focus more on a current topic that is on my mind :).

Today I got the most adorable snow boots for Russia. They are black and puffy and have a rain-proof shiny shield on the tip of the toe. I am excited to wear them! They are super comfy too and have great support. The best part? They were only 59 euro at Coin, which is my new favorite department-like store in Florence.

Random fact but might I add that goldfish taste 100 times better when you have them abroad?? Everyday food snacks like Cheese its, Goldfish, Lay's potato chips and things of that nature are just non existent in Italy. They have things like freaky fries (yes I actually took a picture of the bag) and "San Carlo" potato chips. The only really American brands I see at the grocery stores are Pringles. They sure love their Pringles! (they are everywhere, its strange). Needless to say, the goldfish bag is already half gone. I wish I had more! (hint for those that want to send me packages!). My parents were so nice to bring me all this food from home. They sent me Reeses cups (miniature size from Halloween), my favorite cookies my mom makes called "monster cookies," and my dad made me his classic party mix that he only makes twice a year for Thanksgiving and Christmas. So sweet! Thanks again!

Not much else is new- tomorrow classes are scheduled, but teachers are just getting lazy and 3 out of 5 of my classes are canceled. Like I said in a previous post, my econ teacher probably just doesn't know that class is supposed to be made up tomorrow. He has another job elsewhere and travels to Florence once a week for our 3 hour class. OH well, I'm not complaining! I am getting more and more excited about Martha's visit! We are going to lunch at 1:15 right after she arrives, and from there who knows?! Some friends and I are going out to dinner at a nice restaurant, I forget the name. There is a special deal where you can get a 3 course meal all for 15 euro. My parents and I heard about some places to eat dinner where there is a set price for a 3 course meal, but we never ended up having time to go there. Now is my chance!

Today we took our group picture with the whole school on top of the view at Piazza Michelangelo. It was an adventure taking the bus there- I forgot where to pick it up and what number. Thank goodness my mom remembered the bus number! Thanks mom! :) I hope I get a copy of the picture when it is developed. The view is so gorgeous! My parents and I went there a couple weeks ago when they were visiting. Here is a picture of the view. It's almost "too perfect". Looks straight from a postcard!

Well I am going to watch another episode of gossip girl. I am getting so addicted!


1 comment:

CaShThoMa said...

Your new favorite store....COIN. careful!