Thursday, March 5, 2009

What's new in my life

Today I am going to Vienna with the Gonzaga in Florence group. We are meeting near school around 3:45, and our bus is scheduled to leave at 4:00. The bus is supposed to take eleven hours to get to Vienna- I think I am going to occupy my time by watching movies and T.V shows (O.C and Sex and the City!).

I am very excited for this weekend; the weather should be pretty cold- in the 40's, and rain is predicted. I will bring my big, puffy jacket!

There are a couple optional tours in the morning that I am going to take advantage of; I am not sick this week (thank goodness!) so I am sure I will have enough energy to walk around and look at sights.

Next week is our Spring break. I believe we only have two days of school (Monday and Tuesday) and then I am heading off to Ireland with the Gonzaga group again. We are going to Dublin and we are leaving to go back to Florence before St. Patrick's Day. It would be so crazy to be in Ireland for St. Patty's but I am sure we will have a great time. Soon after that, Georgina, Jessie and I are venturing to Malta. I am so busy!

My mom scheduled my flight to go home on April 26th so that means I will have to pay an extra night to stay in my pensione because we are supposed to leave by noon on April 25th. EVERYONE is going home that day though, so it's just easier to go home a day later, that way I can fly out of Florence and get into Seattle instead of going out of Rome and then to Portland (the fees were ridiculous for the previous day). I originally flew out of Portland with my friends Ashley, David, and Sarah so that's why I was scheduled to fly into Portland.

Anyways, right now I am sitting in Philosophy of Art class awaiting to get my test back. I don't think I did too poorly, but he said no one did really well, and no one did really bad. I am pretty nervous to be honest; I hate the feeling of anticipation before getting a test back. It is so nerve-racking! I just got to keep telling myself that it's just one test and it's not the end of the world. Why do I put so much emphasis on my school work? (especially while abroad?!) This semester is definitely more challenging than last... it's my business classes that are particularly hard.

Well I will stop my rambling but I will try and write a blog post about my Vienna experience when I come back to Florence. I probably won't get internet while in Vienna because we are staying at a hostel and unlike America, free WI-fi is basically non-existent.


Note: The pictures above are from Athens, Greece. Georgina and I had such a good time! (read my last blog post if you want more information :) ).

1 comment:

CaShThoMa said...

Great pictures of Athens on your blog and Facebook. As always, wonderful to hear of your adventures in sightseeing and eating your way through these amazing cities.